Screen: 7" high-resolution display
Information: Heart Rate, Lead/Pads, Alarm On/Off, SpO2 , AED Functions and Prompts, Alarm Selection and Limits, Delivered Energy
Waveform: Biphasic
Charge Time: Less than 7 seconds with a new fully charged battery
Energy Display: Monitor display indicates both selected and delivered energy
Electrode Impedance Measurement Range: 0-250 ohms
ECG Monitoring
Patient Connection: 3-lead ECG cable, or 5-lead ECG cable, paddles
Lead Selection: Displayed on monitor, paddles, I, II, III, AVR, AVL, AVF, V
Heart Rate: 20-300BPM
Smart Alarms: Beeper/voice prompts indicate shockable rhythm
Type: Rechargeable, Ni-MH battery, 12V
Operating Time: For a new, fully charged battery: 100 defibrillator discharges, or 3 hours minimum of continuous ECG monitoring
SpO2 Module
Measurement Range: 30~100%, ±2% between 80%~90%, others ±5%
Alarm Range: User set high limit and low limit
AED Mode
AED Function: Auto analyzes and charges x3 with programmable auto en
ergy level selection, screen prompts, and voice prompts
Shockable Rhythms: Ventricular fibrillation with amplitude >=200uV, ventricular
tachycardia with rates ≥140bpm, and QRS complex wave duration >=140ms
Charge Control: Control on device front panel, press key on paddle
Prompts: Voice and visual prompts